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Kindergarten Resources

Kindergarten Resources


Hello Kindergarten Parents!

Below are some activities that you may do with your children.


Please use ClassLink to access the following:



This app is designed for your child to continue using their math skills at their level.  They will have fun completing the lessons and earning tokens!


TumbleBook Library

This is a fun reading tool. You and your child can search for a variety of stories, fiction and non-fiction.

You can read, listen to, and watch.


BrainPOP Jr.

Your child loves watching a girl named Annie and her robot friend Moby as they teach about many subject areas, from Abraham Lincoln to Weather.

Have fun exploring!



*Also, try:

This reading app gives reading levels from aa to Z.  Please begin with level aa and have your child continue to level A and beyond, as they explore and read at their own pace and level of understanding.  


     Mrs. Miller’s classes- teacher username: bthomas64. Then click on the Bunny icon.

     Mrs. Albert’s classes- teacher username: aamy0.  Then click on the Apple icon.

     Ms. Fontanella’s class-teacher username: afontanella0.  Then use the paper with the password.

Provides stories, videos, and fun learning challenges.  It pairs a fiction story with a non-fiction story on the daily topic and includes a video and an enrichment activity.

Topics for Kindergarten include animals, life cycles, seasons, living things, and earth and space!

Please see the attached letter from Scholastic.

Click on Kindergarten and practice with letters, words, numbers, holidays, and more in game format!

Click on Kindergarten and practice with math, language arts, music, and seasonal activities!

The highlighted activities are free.



**Some ideas for using the packet that we sent home:


Practice with word families

Cut and paste to sort on the paper given.  Have your child identify more words to fit in the word family.

They may draw a picture of the words to go along with it.


“Caring for Baby” Science Spin Magazine     

Have your child watch the “Dogs with Jobs” video from the online science spin resources.

Read the magazine with your child. Talk about the things that baby animals need to survive.

After reading, your child may complete the graph activity on the back of the magazine.

Talk with your child about what kind of care human babies need.


Addition and Subtraction Practice:

Use toys or objects from home as manipulatives to help your child practice addition and subtraction.


Sight Word Practice: 

Use the list of activities given at Back to School Night.

Make flashcards with the words and post them around the house, to “visit” each day.

Some apps to try:

Magnetic ABCs


Sight Words: Kids Learn



 ***Enjoy reading stories with your family!

       Go outside and explore nature!

       PLAY and have fun!