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Clothing to Cash Bin

6/4/20 UPDATE: The clothing/shoe/textile donation bin at school is now open. HOWEVER, the driver for the company who empties the bin is working SOLO to comply with CDC guidelines, and therefore operating at 50% of normal capacity. If the collection bin is full when you arrive, please keep your items and try again another day. NO ITEMS SHOULD BE LEFT OUTSIDE THE BIN ON THE GROUND! Leaving items on the ground will result in them being thrown away and NOT included in our weight total for the month. Thank you for following these procedures while helping our school!


Clothing to Cash Recycling Program

Don't throw them away - recycle!

Bring in clothing, shoes, towels, sheets, any textiles in ALL conditions!

old rugs/blankets
unusable curtains

beyond repair shoes
unwearable clothes
old towels
stained/ripped stuffed animals
they can all go in the bin!

Join us and help educate students on the benefit of recycling.
This is a great way to help save our environment and raise funds for our school.

Look for the white bin on the right of the school parking lot.

The SME PTO is paid for every pound of clothing that is collected and your donation will be re-used, re-purposed or recycled and saved from landfills.