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South Mountain Elementary PTO

If you have questions or comments or if you wish to add your name to the PTO email list, please contact Thank you! 


Why should I donate?

SME PTO strives to South Mountain Elementary provide well-rounded and fun educational experiences for all students. With our yearly fundraising, the PTO pays for class field trips and busing, assemblies, Donuts with Dad, Mornings with Mom, Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Game Night, May Fair, Field Day, school shirts for every student and staff member, staff appreciation gifts, and much more.


Why Should I Volunteer?

With over 400 students, we need a lot of help to run our events! Each time you can volunteer, you make a difference!

More information about volunteering for events is in our PTO Volunteer Handbook here.


How to Volunteer

Crafty? Enjoy talking to local businesses? Want to sty updated on extra-curricular school events?

We appreciate everything our volunteers do! There are opportunities to fit everyone's schedule.

Polar Bear Mascot
The South Mountain Elementary School PTO is a 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is to support the education of the students at South Mountain Elementary School by fostering relationships among the school, parents and teachers.